The virus is a proof of concept file infector that will infect iPods that are running ipodlinux only, your safe if you run a default Apple firmware ipod. Unlike malware for your PC and Mobile this new virus is not set to be popular, there are limited ways you can infect your iPod with this and it targets the geek that installs ipodlinux on their iPod.
It is however a typical proof of concept, it seems that it is a little temperamental and will not function all the time, but as the blog of the author states he only had his iPod to test it out on. Plus with ipodlinux being extremely experimental especially on 5th generation iPods you can understand why this proof of concept is less than stable.
This proof of concept virus it seems was written by someone called FreeOn who is part of a group called DoomRiderz. We suspect the number of copies of this iPod virus out there are limited to those sent to the Anti Virus companies, but as the author says on his blog he plans to release the code and binary after the DoomRiderz ‘zine’ release. In the mean time we have the picture from the author showing the virus running.
posted by Mus_ @ 5:13 PM